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  • SFPA's Thanksgiving Charity Dinner

SFPA's Thanksgiving Charity Dinner

  • 19 Nov 2009
  • 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  • Miami Rescue Mission - Women & Children's Center


  • Women over age 14 may volunteer to serve Thanksgiving dinner at Miami Rescue Mission's Women & Children's Center

Thanksgiving is a time of appreciation for the gifts of family, prosperity and hope for the future.  I'm pleased to announce that we will be hosting this year's dinner for the Women and Children's Center of the Miami Rescue Mission. 


In evaluating the many community charities dedicated to helping those less fortunate, we could find none more deserving than this particular facility.  To know that there are in excess of 50 children on any given date (some as young a a few months) who have no home of their own and go to sleep at night not knowing what tomorrow holds, is simply heart-wrenching.  Even staples such as toothbrushes, soap, deodorant and shampoo are items that they do not have.  At least for one day, November 19, 2009, these kids and their Mothers will know that we care and want to try to bring a smile to their face if only for a brief moment. 


With this said, your Board of Directors will be serving these special children, along with their Mothers, a thanksgiving feast and would ask that you consider joining us for this special event -either in person or through your contributions.  Please contact me at mworkman@sfpa.info if you would like to personally participate.  IF YOU CANNOT PERSONALLY PARTICIPATE, there is still a way you can help.  Please donate any sundry items that you think a woman or child could use to assist them in their day-to-day.  As noted above, they need everything from toothpaste to baby formula.  If you would like to donate, please drop off your donation to me at Gunster Yoakley & Stewart, 2 S. Biscayne Blvd., Suite 3400, Miami, FL  33131.  If you cannot stop by with your donation, please consider sending a cash or check donation to SFPA c/o Thanksgiving, at P.O. Box  31-0745, Miami, Florida 33231-0745.  These donations will be used to purchase needed items and given to the residents at the time of the dinner.  Please submit your donations prior to Friday, November 13, 2009. 


On behalf of SFPA's Board of Directors, Thank You and we certainly hope that you will contribute or participate in some way to this special event for those who are not as fortunate as we are.  God Bless those Children.


Mark Workman

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South Florida Paralegal Association, Inc. is a non-profit organization. 123 S.E. 3rd Avenue, #367, Miami, Florida 33131.

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